I recently read that there are four questions to address to create Synchronized Care.
So I thought I’ll give it a try and try to see how it might apply to my practice.
Of all the patients I could treat, which one should I treat now?
In my experience, patients that ask for help due to pain, suffering and illness are more open to new perspectives; there is no shortage of such patients.
Of all the processes that I could improve, which one should I improve first?
Maximize each engagement opportunity to treat presenting challenge as well as preventing future challenges through education. (I do that now)
What capacity do we need, where and when, now and in the future?
Educate patients in “physician-led self-management education groups” to increase capacity (just like in schools; I do that now.)
What is the impact of the “what if” scenarios on the quality, safety, accessibility and financial aspects of care?
What If there were a set of Basic Wellness Messages that everyone agreed on (Eg. Good posture, adequate fluid intake, adequate daily dose of disease preventing flavonoids from 400 grams of non-starchy vegetables, appropriate exercises and mindfulness training)
What if every youth leader, educator, healthcare provider, media CEO’s, celebrity, religious, corporate and government leaders were to be empowered and then commit to share these Basic Wellness Messages by role modeling?
What if every meal and each conversation reflect a new culture of wellness?
I think these are big asks. I also don’t see why people won’t be interested for such a new culture. Wellness is what everyone wants. No one I know likes to suffer. I think even if more opinion makers and leaders would decide to live and share a synchronized and common Basic Wellness Message; the impact on the healthcare system would be phenomenal.
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